The Fool

The fool laughs alone
Why? He knows not
Is it at himself? Or is he simply
mirroring the world laughing at him?
Or is it out of joy? The sense of achievement?
Achieving something which never will be his
He just laughs alone

The fool cries alone
A sudden realisation maybe?
Of the stupid dreams he dreamt about;
of things that would never happen
Of the countless miracles he believed in
Of the loved ones he trusted more than himself
A realisation that they were all

just products of his foolishness
results of his unreasonable optimism

He shoulders the blame
He listens to none

The dearth of love scares him
Grief and sorrow engulfs him, trips him down
He falls too often
He gets back up; Only to fall again
He never learns; He simply refuses to learn
The optimistic fool; The misfit


About the author

Govind Menon hailing from Kozhikode is an associate member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and works as a financial consultant at the commercial capital of Kerala-Cochin.



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