Union Budget 2013-14

Budget at a Glance

(In crore of Rupees)

2011-2012 2012-2013 2012-2013 2013-2014
  Particulars Actuals Budget Revised Budget

  Estimates Estimates Estimates
1. Revenue Receipts 751437 935685 871828 1056331

2. Tax Revenue 

(net to centre) 629765 771071 742115 884078

3. Non-Tax Revenue 121672 164614 129713 172252
4. Capital Receipts (5+6+7)$ 552928 555241 558998 608967

5. Recoveries of Loans 18850 11650 14073 10654

6. Other Receipts 18088 30000 24000 55814

7. Borrowings and other 

liabilities * 515990 513590 520925 542499
8. Total Receipts (1+4)$ 1304365 1490925 1430825 1665297
9. Non-Plan Expenditure 891990 969900 1001638 1109975

10. On Revenue Account 812049 865596 919699 992908

of which,

11. Interest Payments 273150 319759 316674 370684

12. On Capital Account 79941 104304 81939 117067
13. Plan Expenditure 412375 521025 429187 555322

14. On Revenue Account 333737 420513 343373 443260

15. On Capital Account 78639 100512 85814 112062
16. Total Expenditure (9+13) 1304365 1490925 1430825 1665297

17. Revenue Expenditure 

(10+14) 1145785 1286109 1263072 1436169

18. Of Which, Grants for creation of

Capital Assets 132582 164672 124275 174656

19. Capital Expenditure 

(12+15) 158580 204816 167753 229129
20. Revenue Deficit (17-1) 394348 350424 391245 379838

(4.4) (3.4) (3.9) (3.3)
21. Effective Revenue  261766 185752 266970 205182

Deficit (20-18) (2.9) (1.8) (2.7) (1.8)
22. Fiscal Deficit  515990 513590 520925 542499

{16-(1+5+6)} (5.7) (5.1) (5.2) (4.8)
23. Primary Deficit (22-11) 242840 193831 204251 171814

(2.7) (1.9) (2.0) (1.5)

Actuals for 2011-12 in this document are provisional.

$  Excluding receipts under Market Stabilisation Scheme.

* Includes draw-down of Cash Balance.

Notes: 1 GDP for BE 2013-2014 has been projected at Rupees 11371886 crore assuming 13.4% growth over the advance estimates of 2012-2013 (Rupees 10028118 crore) released by CSO.

2 Individual items in this document may not sum up to the totals due to rounding off.


(In crore of Rupees)

2011-2012 2012-2013 2012-2013 2013-2014
  Particulars Actuals Budget Revised Budget
Sl. No   Estimates Estimates Estimates

1 Tax Revenue

Gross Tax Revenue 889176 1077612 1038037 1235870

Corporation Tax 322816 373227 358874 419520

Taxes on Income 170343 195786 206095 247639

Wealth Tax 788 1244 866 950

Customs 149328 186694 164853 187308

Union Excise Duties 145608 194350 171996 197554

Service Tax 97509 124000 132697 180141

Taxes on Union 

    Territories 2785 2310 2656 2758

Less - NCCD transferred 

to the National Calamity 

Contigency Fund/National 

Disaster Response Fund 3998 4620 4375 4800

Less - States’ share 255414 301921 291547 346992

1(a) Centre's Net Tax 

Revenue 629765 771071 742115 884078

2 Non-Tax Revenue

Interest receipts 20252 19231 16595 17764

Dividend and Profits 50608 50153 55443 73866

External Grants 2962 2887 2762 1456

Other Non Tax Revenue 46835 91207 53790 78000

Receipts of Union 

    Territories 1015 1136 1123 1166

Total Non Tax Revenue 121672 164614 129713 172252

Total Revenue Receipts (1a+2) 751437 935685 871828 1056331

3. Capital Receipts

A.  Non-debt Receipts

Recoveries of loans and 

advances@ 18850 11650 14073 10654

Miscellaneous Capital 

Receipts 18088 30000 24000 55814

Total 36938 41650 38073 66468

B.  Debt Receipts*

Market Loans 436211 479000 467384 484000

Short term borrowings 126866 9000 45746 19844

External Assistance (Net) 12449 10148 2214 10560

Securities issued against 

Small Savings -10302 1198 8626 5798

State Provident Fund (Net) 10804 12000 10000 10000

Other Receipts (Net) -44048 2245 -7895 12297
       Total 531980 513590 526075 542499

Total Capital Receipts (A+B) 568918 555241 564148 608967

4 DRAW-DOWN OF CASH BALANCE -15990 ... -5150 ...

Total Receipts (1a+2+3+4) 1304365 1490925 1430825 1665297

Financing of Fiscal 

Deficit (3B+4) 515990 513590 520925 542499

Receipts under 

MSS (Net) ... 20000 ... 20000

@  excludes recoveries of 

short-term loans and 

advances from States, 

loans to Government 

servants, etc. 17968 11445 22995 11400

*  The receipts are net of repayments.


 (In crore of Rupees)

2011-2012 2012-2013 2012-2013 2013-2014
Sl.No Particulars Actuals Budget Revised Budget
  Estimates Estimates Estimates

A.  Revenue Expenditure

1. Interest Payments and 

Prepayment Premium 273150 319759 316674 370684
2. Defence Services 103011 113829 108925 116931
3. Subsidies 217941 190015 257654 231084
4. Grants to State and 

U.T. Governments 51523 64211 57901 76981
5. Pensions 61166 63183 63836 70726
6. Police 33106 35611 37131 40895
7. Assistance to States from 

National Calamity Contigency 

Fund/National Disaster 

Response Fund (NDRF) 2459 4620 4375 4800
8. Other General Services 

(Organs of State, tax collection, 

external affairs etc.) 19225 21382 21095 22903
9. Social Services (Education, 

Health, Broadcasting etc.) 19444 20784 21304 23114
10. Economic Services 

(Agriculture,Industry, Power, 

Transport, Communications, 

Science & Technology, etc.) 21751 24105 21965 24334
11. Postal Deficit 5716 5727 5838 6717
12. Expenditure of Union 

Territories without Legislature 3853 3875 4147 4395
13. Amount met from National 

Calamity Contigency Fund/ 

Contribution to National 

Disaster Response Fund 

(NDRF) -2459 -4620 -4375 -4800
14. Grants to Foreign 

Governments 2163 3114 3229 4144
Total Revenue Non-Plan 

Expenditure 812049 865596 919699 992908
B.  Capital Expenditure

1. Defence Services 67902 79579 69579 86741
2. Other Non-Plan 

Capital Outlay 11478 23971 8102 30131
3. Loans to Public Enterprises 479 465 469 417
4. Loans to State and 

U.T. Governments 72 85 3407 80
5. Loans to Foreign 

Governments 248 550 700 ...
6. Others -238 -346 -318 -302
Total Capital Non-Plan 

Expenditure 79941 104304 81939 117067
Total Non-Plan Expenditure 891990 969900 1001638 1109975


A. Revenue Expenditure

1. Central Plan 241276 303528 243772 320038

2. Central Assistance 

for State & Union 

Territory Plans 92460 116985 99601 123222

State Plans 90072 113170 96068 118873

Union Territory Plans 2388 3815 3533 4349

Total Revenue Plan 

Expenditure 333737 420513 343373 443260
B.  Capital Expenditure

1. Central Plan 67083 87499 73413 99030

2. Central Assistance 

for State & Union 

Territory Plans 11556 13013 12401 13032

State Plans 10058 11079 11079 11057

Union Territory Plans 1498 1934 1322 1975
Total Capital Plan Expenditure 78639 100512 85814 112062
Total - Plan Expenditure 412375 521025 429187 555322
Total Budget Support 

for Central Plan 308359 391027 317185 419068
Total Central Assistance 

for State & UT Plans 104016 129998 112002 136254

TOTAL EXPENDITURE* 1304365 1490925 1430825 1665297

1. Repayment of debt** 111933 124302 116669 167072

2. Total Interest Payments 273150 319759 316674 370684

3. Total Debt Servicing (1+2) 385083 444061 433343 537756

4. Revenue Receipts 751437 935685 871828 1056331

5. Percentage of 2 to 4 36.35% 34.20% 36.32% 35.09%

* Excludes expenditure matched by receipts.

**  The figures exclude discharge of all Treasury bills, discharge of Cash Management Bills, discharge of Ways and Means Advances including Overdraft, repayment under MSS and all Public Account Disbursements (except discharge of Special Securities issued in lieu of Subsidies).


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