
Showing posts from July, 2016

The Scarlett Speedster

They say death and taxes are perhaps the only two certain things in this world; constants rather. Until the 2 nd of July 2016, I believed there was something else that was constant – A certain Ryan Giggs at Manchester United. Most people find it very difficult to conceive of what had existed or how the world was before they were born. For me, to think about a Manchester United without Giggs poses the same degree of difficulty. He was there, he was ALWAYS there - that lean fellow in red with the prominent cheek bones - ever since I started supporting this wonderful football club. Just like “The Flash” who was granted his superhuman powers by “The Speedforce”, there was something about the red jersey that Giggs wore which gave him legendary abilities. Yes. Manchester United was his speed force. The club had become a part of him more than he, a part of the club. He was OUR scarlet speedster. When Sir Alex signed up a young Ryan Wilson for his youth side, he was just a gangly te

Income tax tips for layman

Arthur Ashe

(From an unknown author) Inspiring story.. A Beautiful Message🌿 Arthur Ashe, The Legendary Wimbledon Player was dying of AIDS which he got due to Infected Blood he received during a Heart Surgery in 1983! He received letters from his fans, one of which conveyed: "Why did God have to select you for such a bad disease??" To this Arthur Ashe replied: 50 Million children started playing Tennis, 5 Million learnt to play Tennis, 500 000 learnt Professional Tennis, 50 Thousand came to Circuit, 5 Thousand reached Grandslam, 50 reached Wimbledon, 4 reached the Semifinals, 2 reached the Finals and when I was holding the cup in my hand, I never asked God "Why Me?" So now that I'm in pain how can I ask God "Why Me?" Happiness keeps you Sweet!! Trials keeps you Strong!! Sorrows keeps you Human!! Failure keeps you Humble!! Success keeps you Glowing!! But only, Faith keeps you Going. Sometimes you are unsatisfied w